
Release music better

A music release platform providing distribution, pitching and AI-powered tools that take your music further

Artist Talltale using for music distribution on Spotify
Get your music to your fans
Distribute your music to all major platforms
Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Instagram and more
Automatic royalty sharing on collaborated tracks
Fast upload to platform processing times
Artist Talltale using for music distribution on Spotify dashboard showing streaming metrics and analytics
Improve your streaming metrics
Pitch to editorial playlists and improve your visibility
Pitch directly to editorial staff at DSPs for placements
Get analytics on your release performance
Manage your release from an easy to use dashboard dashboard showing streaming metrics and analytics
Sample album cover generated using's AI-assisted tools
Build a compelling release
Use our AI Assisted tools to create your release assets
Generate your album artwork
Create a fine tuned release marketing strategy
Put together a strong DSP pitch
Sample album cover generated using's AI-assisted tools

WHAT WE DO is a music release platform that provides distribution, pitching and AI driven marketing tools to help you release music faster and better.

Distribute your music
Get your music on all platforms, such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music
Get pitched to editorial curators
Build a high quality marketing pitch sent directly to curators at each DSP
Pitch your songs for sync
Pitch your songs for sync placements anywhere from Netflix to commercials
Build your release with AI powered creative tools
Create all aspects of your release, from your artwork and designs to your marketing strategy
Automatically share royalties with collaborators
Automatically split royalties with collaborators you make music with


Hear from other artists on their experience with

Andy Colonico

"It's been an absolute pleasure working with the team, complete night and day experience. Highly recommend for artists looking to take their music to the next level!"

Andy Colonico


" really leveled up my release the easy to use platform helps get my music out and heard by the right people! Wouldn’t use anybody else"



"'s AI tools were a huge help in creating my release assets — super intuitive! A must for any artist wanting to up their game."



Check out the latest releases from our artists

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